Bridal hair accessories for the "Older Bride". What should she wear?

Help I’m a mature bride, everything seems to be for younger brides, what hair accessories shall I wear?

Are you an older bride agonising over what hair accessories to wear for your wedding? Don’t worry, help is at hand!

Firstly I loathe the phrase “Older Bride”, though I must concede that I find it preferable to “Mature Bride”.  I work with a lot of ladies who fall in to this category and when these clients approach me describing themselves as such, it sounds as though they are apologising for their age and that to me is an utter nonsense.

I recently carried out a mini survey on Instagram and established that most people considered 40+ to be the threshold for being an “Older Bride”, though a reasonable number considered it to be 35+ (I’m guessing they were probably votes supplied by my 13 year old daughter and her friends).


It’s true, as a 40+ lady, physically we may not be as dewy skinned and fresh faced as in our early 20’s but that certainly doesn’t mean that we can’t look equally fabulous, in fact, I think the confidence and experience that an older lady exudes, shines bright. I don’t look at Helen Mirren and think ” old”, I look at her and thing “fabulous”. She isn’t perfect or flawless but she radiates confidence, style and self assurance. Granted she’ll have a team of stylist for her shoots and red carpet appearances but on your wedding day you’ll more than likely have the support of a skilled make up artist and I’m here to offer style advice. You’ll also be armed with that magical glow that only brides have, it can’t be recreated by makeup or a model.


Girls living out their Disney Princess bride fairy tale much beyond the mid twenties can’t carry it off, without looking as though they are playing dress up.  We nearly all dreamed of being a bride and playing dress up at age 6 or 7 but the reality is that what we dreamed of wearing then is a far cry from what we choose and suit now and that’s fine.  We are grown ups now, not girls.

In a world where we are swamped with magazine and online images of 20 something brides, it’s easy to see why those of us some years beyond that, feel that we aren’t catered for.  In reality there are many beautifully structured and tailored dresses and outfits out there, I think the key is simplicity, whether that be of silhouette (whilst beaded or embellished) or fabric that is clean, crisp and exquisitely cut. Most importantly though, express who you are and your personality, whatever colour, shape and style you love and you feel confident in.


My styling advice would be, “forget the tiara”, for me they are the preserve of the under 30s. 

Hairvines may possibly be an option but generally for the clients I work with they are a little too whimsical and lack impact.

Hair pins or hair combs can be an option, embellishing a sleek up do.

Side tiaras can work well, particularly in short hair.

Birdcage veils definitely work well but steer clear of cutesy bows.  Either a beaded or embellished centre of elegant sculpted feathers work well.

Bridal fascinators work well though you need to be careful about colour.  If you are looking for a crisp ivory then there is nothing really to worry about, however if you are looking for a pastel colour then your need to be careful about the feathers being very soft and fluffy, particularly if worn with a floaty chiffon dress, if worn with tailoring then it’s fine.  The look can become a bit “Queen Mother” (rest her soul) and put years on you.  If you are looking at pastel feathers then I’d recommend a sharper cut and more sculpted choice of feathers unless the outfit is sharp.

Cocktail hats with or without veiling detail look fabulous and make for a truly stylish “Older Bride”.

Ultimately the choice is yours but don’t worry, as I’ve shown you definitely have choices!

If you want to talk ideas through with me then don’t hesitate to get in touch by phone or email.  If you prefer we can book a Skype or Facetime call and I can show you some options whilst we chat.  I welcome clients at the studio and as explained on the website I do a sample service too.

Until next time!

Harriet x


Sara Reeve, Olivia Brabbs, Louise Meyer, Olivia Brabbs, brides own, Paul Fletcher, McSpayden Photography, brides own, brides own.